company is a system integrator, system integrators Russia, network integrator, system integration

software development technology


«IMPULSE-IVC» (Ukraine, c. Kyiv)
Phone: +38 (093) 916-09-79
Phone/fax: +38 (044) 383-03-73
Ivan Leshko

Випущено оновлення для BAS Будівництво. Бухгалтерія

Шановні колеги!

Випущено оновлення для програмного продукту "BAS Будівництво. Бухгалтерія" - версія

За більш детальною інформацією прохання звертатися за тел.:

(044) 383-03-73
(098) 654-46-40
(050) 911-72-83

З повагою, ТОВ "ІМПУЛЬС-ІВЦ"

«IMPULSE-IVC» - a system integrator of the construction industry. The developer of specialized software products on the platform BAF for construction: BAS Construction. Accounting, BAS Construction. Financial Management, BAS Construction. Construction production management, etc. Provided services - from the creation of a structured cabling system to the implementation of business software - guarantee a comprehensive approach in the development of information management systems for medium-sized businesses. A well-written scheme of project implementation allows minimizing possible risks, achieving the maximum result in working with clients. The quality management system "IMPULSE-IVC" is certified according to the international standard ISO 9001: 2008.

As the system and network integrator IMPULSE-IVC works only with products from well-known foreign and domestic manufacturers. Currently, our business software products are used by more than a thousand construction companies in Ukraine. We adhere to the privacy policy and reliably protect the business secrets of our customers. The IMPULSE-IVC projects embody the successful practical experience of the company combined with a high professional level of specialists and new technologies.

© «IMPULSE-IVC» (Ukraine), 2008-2019. All Rights Reserved.

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